Future Point of View has developed a proprietary model for determining the proclivity for employees to adapt with new technologies and skills, which allows for a tailored approach to executing upskilling programs and overall strategy execution.

The digital skills gap is costing organizations millions. Companies are losing as much as $1.14 million per week, or 44 wasted working days, due to the digital skills gap (Walkme). The digital skills gap refers to the shortage digital competencies among employees to fully leverage the capabilities of technology they use in daily tasks.

Buying more technology ≠ increased efficiency

Organizations that aim to increase efficiency and productivity through technology ~without a well-crafted strategy~ often find the opposite result. The “old” ways are no longer working. Pre-packaged training doesn’t drive adoption. It’s time for a paradigm shift in the way we think about skills development and training within our teams.

Future Point of View helps organizations develop a new model for enhancing the capability of their teams. We focus on driving adoption and execution in an upskilled workforce that enables an organization to take full advantage of the efficiency gains driven by technology and automation.



Understand the current state of digital competency in an organization and assess critical areas for improvement


Develop a financial model to understand the impact of lost productivity and potential gains driven by digital skills adoption


Roll out a multi-faceted approach to gaining digital power among the organization’s employees


Ensure adoption through adherence to an accountability model that analyzes skills progression


The Multi-Faceted Approach to Gaining Digital Power

  1. New hiring model and job descriptions
  2. 90-day onboarding plans for all positions that provides a digital skills guide
  3. New models for education delivery e.g. Microlearning, skills coaching, AI agents
  4. Clear expectations for minimum requirements and a vision for excellence
  5. Valuable incentives for achieving higher levels of digital skills
  6. UpSkilling and ReSkilling programs for current team members
  7. A new skills analysis model with accountability to close the digital gap

Underpinning each Digital Skills engagement is a keen focus on the execution and adoption abilities an organizations workforce.