A.I. Risk & Audits

A.I. Risk & Audits

By systematically assessing AI technologies, audits help identify potential risks such as biases, errors, vulnerabilities, and unintended consequences that could have adverse impacts on individuals, organizations, and society at large. These audits not only help organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements but also uphold ethical standards and principles.


In a desire to compete, sometimes organizations haphazardly implement AI technologies without giving much thought to governance. The absence of AI governance poses significant dangers to individuals, organizations, and can put you in legal hot water. Without proper governance mechanisms in place, there is a heightened risk of unethical and irresponsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This can lead to various adverse consequences, including the perpetuation of biases, infringement of privacy rights, and potential litigation against your organization.


FPOV’s AI auditing service provides a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s artificial intelligence systems and their associated data pipelines. We create an inventory of AIs and assess their regulatory risk, calculating the potential impact on the organization in case of non-compliance. Our experts then evaluate the systems for compliance with best practices and regulatory requirements, such as data privacy and security laws, to ensure that the organization is protected from potential legal and reputational risks. Our results are presented in a clear and actionable format, providing the organization with practical recommendations to improve the security, reliability, and compliance of their AI systems.


  1. Scan: We take a governance framework and collect the related internal governance documents, identifying gaps. We then map the governance documents to a combined set of requirements from U.S. federal, key states, and international governing bodies.
  2. Review: In addition to the Level 1 deliverables, we conduct internal interviews to verify compliance, create system and process blueprints to demonstrate compliance, and conduct a third party AI risk assessment(s).
  3. Integrated Compliance We develop a comprehensive strategy to deeply integrate regulatory compliance into the development and deployment process.