Digital maturity is how effectively you are able to use digital tools to serve your constituency, increase efficiency, and gain competitive advantage. There are approximately 12 different areas we assess in a digital maturity scan. Insights are gained by looking for gaps and weaknesses in your current levels of technology usage.


Positive maturity allows individuals to see the bigger picture, to make smarter decisions that will be of greater benefit. So to is it for organizations with digital maturity. A digitally mature organization has a better sense of itself, its processes, workforce, ecosystem, market, vulnerabilities, assets, and adaptability. Only when we have quantitative measurements and best practices can we really be clear as to improvements that must be made in order to win in a competitive market. Mastering the digital realm is much more than just software and hardware; The measurement system must account for elements like culture, the knowledge level of users, and the ability to be innovative. True measurement of digital maturity requires a comprehensive and state of the art tool such as the FPOV Digital Maturity Assessment.


The Digital Maturity Scan is designed to assess an organization’s level of digital capability across various dimensions. It involves performing a scan to provide insights into the organization’s digital maturity, reviewing existing technology documentation, and gathering insights from leadership, employees, and stakeholders through research. The service aims to provide observations and recommendations for improvements, helping organizations to strengthen themselves using digital technologies and maintain a high degree of technological fitness required to ensure a competitive edge.


  • Leadership Digital Readiness – The knowledge and capacity of leaders to make good digital decisions 
  • Digital Client Engagement – The ability of the organization to earn a digital halo from their customers 
  • Data Maturity – Ability to use data effectively as a decision-making asset and competitive weapon  
  • Digital Skills and Capabilities – The organization’s ability to leverage both currently owned and available technology 
  • Enterprise Architecture – Ability to design and implement all digital tools and infrastructure to support and empower the organization’s business goals 
  • Security and Data Privacy – The ability to reach and maintain agreed upon risk tolerance levels 
  • Resilience and Recovery – Disaster Recover and Business Continuity capabilities 
  • Modernization Maturity Level – The ability to modernize systems efficiency 
  • External Digital Resources – The quality of vendors and contractors to provide digital services 
  • Digital Competitiveness – How do your technology capabilities compare to industry peers
  • Digital Governance – Policies and procedures around digital governance 
  • Automation – Finding the appropriate Humalogy® (human vs. technology) balance to support your brand and amplify profits