High Value AI Solutions to Consider Implementing Within Your Business Today

Take a deep breath and step back from all the hyperbole around AI. FPOV recently responded to the “Pause Giant AI Experiments” open letter, in which individuals including tech luminaries such as Elon Musk called for artificial intelligence labs to pause AI development for six months.

For now, put that debate aside, because there are some very specific and high value AI solutions to consider for your business, today.

The narrow-focused AI features that work behind applications to make them more powerful are not as controversial and are more tested than the Generative AI technologies that are currently dominating the headlines.

I listed here some of the kinds of solutions your organization should investigate as well as some specific examples in the sales world.

  1. Customer Service and Experience – AI-powered chatbots are a common tool for customer service. These bots can answer frequently asked questions, provide instant support, and even personalize the experience for customers. This leads to quicker response times, reduced costs, and 24/7 availability.
  2. Marketing and Advertising – AI can analyze data and predict customer behavior, such as their interests and preferences, enabling businesses to create more targeted marketing campaigns. AI can also automate advertising by selecting the best ad placements and adjusting bids in real-time to optimize advertising budgets.
  3. Predictive Maintenance – AI can be used to monitor and analyze data from equipment to predict when maintenance will be required, reducing downtime and repair costs.
  4. Fraud Detection and Prevention – Detect fraudulent behavior in real-time by analyzing data from multiple sources, such as transactions, user behavior, and social media. This can help businesses to identify and prevent fraud before it occurs.
  5. Supply Chain Optimization – Businesses can optimize their supply chain by predicting demand, reducing inventory levels, and identifying bottlenecks. For example, AI algorithms can analyze data on supplier performance, weather patterns, and shipping routes to optimize logistics and reduce costs.
  6. Financial Analysis and Planning – Analyze financial data, such as revenue, expenses, and cash flow, to provide real-time insights and predictions. This can help businesses to make informed decisions about investments, budgeting, and forecasting.
  7. Human Resources – Automate the recruitment process by screening resumes, conducting initial interviews, and even predict which candidates are most likely to succeed in a particular role. This can save time and resources while ensuring that the best candidates are selected.
  8. Product Development and Innovation – Analyze data on customer feedback, market trends, and competitor activity to inform product development and innovation. This can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition and create products that better meet customer needs.

One of the major concerns around artificial intelligence is its potential for biased outcomes. A benefit of these more specific AI solutions is that the risk from bias is minimized because of the specificity of their scope.

Here are some specific examples of AI-powered applications for sales.

  1. Salesforce Einstein – An AI platform that can analyze data, provide insights, and make predictions. It is integrated into the Salesforce CRM system, providing sales teams with a range of AI-powered tools, including lead scoring, opportunity insights, and predictive forecasting.2Conversica – A virtual assistant that can automate lead qualification and follow-up. It uses natural language processing to engage with leads through email and text messages, and can hand off qualified leads to sales reps.
  2. Gong.io – An AI-powered conversation analytics platform that can analyze sales calls and meetings to provide insights into customer behavior and preferences. It can identify patterns and trends in customer conversations, helping sales teams to identify areas for improvement and tailor their approach to individual customers.
  3. InsideSales – An AI-powered sales acceleration platform that can analyze customer behavior to identify the best leads and opportunities. It uses predictive analytics to prioritize sales activities and provides sales teams with personalized coaching and guidance.
  4. Clari – An AI-powered revenue operations platform that can analyze data from multiple sources, including CRM, email, and calendar, to provide insights and recommendations. It can predict deal closures, identify risks, and help sales teams to prioritize their activities.
  5. Chorus.ai – An AI-powered conversation intelligence platform that can analyze sales calls and meetings to provide insights and recommendations. It can identify keywords, topics, and sentiment, helping sales teams to understand customer needs and preferences.
  6. LeadCrunch – An AI-powered lead generation platform that can analyze data to identify the best leads for a business. It uses machine learning algorithms to predict which leads are most likely to convert, helping sales teams to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects.

Look toward the big players, like Microsoft, that are including all these features into their ecosystem. We will now begin to realize what a fully integrated, AI-powered platform can really do. Today, AI is about integrating and assessing data. But it will soon become an integrated application layer within your organization.

While some worry that AI will become your boss, I believe that AI will instead act more like your assistant. While some may be arguing for a pause on AI development, I believe this is the time for your organization to begin harnessing the power of AI in strategic areas to increase efficiency, customer experience, and organizational intelligence.

Let others worry about a potential pause. It is time for your organization to seize this powerful technology, today.

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About the Author

Dan Shuart is the Strategy and Advising Practice Lead for FPOV. He has 35 years of proven success in technology innovation working with a broad range of companies, from Silicon Valley start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. Dan has led innovation and transformation efforts for small enterprises and multi-national companies like Exxon, Fujitsu, and Bridgestone-Firestone. Learn more about Dan Shuart.