About Trent Saunders

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So far Trent Saunders has created 62 blog entries.

The Future of Education with AI

Education has remained remarkably consistent since its earliest documented forms. From clay tablets in 2000 BCE to modern classrooms, the fundamental model hasn't changed significantly - but the educational landscape stands on the precipice of a transformation that could fundamentally reshape how humans learn and teach. The current educational [...]

2025-02-04T10:31:44-06:00February 4th, 2025|Categories: FPOViews|Tags: , , , , |

Is Education Dead? – Update #1 2025

Update #1 2025: Is Education Dead? In this first installment of FPOV’s 2025 Update Series, Hart Brown, CEO of Future Point of View, explores a critical question: Is education dead? This one-hour virtual session dives into how education must evolve by returning to first [...]

2025-01-24T09:33:38-06:00January 23rd, 2025|Categories: Webinar|

Winning in the Knowledge Economy with Rivers of Information®

The Knowledge Economy Advantage The key to thriving in today’s landscape lies in mastering the art of continuous learning. Every day, a staggering amount of valuable information is shared online, yet most organizations fail to capture even a fraction of it. More data was created last year than the [...]

A Vision for the Solved Workplace

Organizations are increasingly exploring advanced forms of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize operations and solve complex problems. Two powerful concepts shaping the future of work are the hybrid workforce and the solved workplace. These ideas represent a paradigm shift, where AI moves beyond tools to become core [...]

2024-11-19T15:03:01-06:00November 19th, 2024|Categories: FPOViews|Tags: , , , |

Transforming Business Culture Through Inspired Evolution

As digital transformation and technological advancements continue to reshape industries, businesses must look beyond traditional approaches to sustain their growth and remain competitive. This shift requires a reimagining of not only operational processes but also the underlying culture that drives these processes. One powerful framework that enables this shift [...]

President for a Day: Innovation Policies and the Challenges for the Next U.S. President

In the recent FPOV Update President for a Day, FPOV CEO Hart Brown took participants on a global tour of innovation policies and their implications for the next U.S. president. The Update emphasized the crucial role of government in driving technological advancement and outlined the pressing challenges awaiting the future [...]

President for a Day – Update #6 2024

President for a Day (Update #6 2024) In FPOV’s sixth installment of the 2024 Update Series, Hart Brown provided a unique perspective on the responsibilities and challenges faced by the next President of the United States, as well as an in-depth review of technology and innovation policies [...]

2024-10-01T15:17:10-05:00September 24th, 2024|Categories: Webinar|