10 Techniques For Leading A Home-Based Team

Leading, managing or overseeing a group of home-based workers is very different than having everyone at the office. The dynamics are different and although technology can help us communicate, it cannot replace some of the human interactions that happen when people are physically together. At this point in history, many [...]

2020-03-19T02:33:22-05:00March 17th, 2020|Categories: Technology|

How To Measure ROI For Leadership Development Programs

As constant technological disruption brings all departments and budgets under the proverbial microscope, leadership development programs must have a plan in place to measure impact and to justify bankrolling these efforts. Yet even with this being true, according to an article by SHRM, “only 18 percent [of businesses] are [...]

2022-06-06T11:44:50-05:00February 14th, 2020|Categories: Services, Technology|

Avoiding Technology Overwhelm: 4 Stages of an Effective Platform Selection and Implementation Process

Avoiding Technology Overwhelm: 4 Stages of an Effective Platform Selection and Implementation Process Platform selection is no simple task. As technology capabilities are increasing, the ability to effectively evaluate, contract, and implement new solutions is becoming more complex, particularly for organizations that have multiple departments [...]

2020-02-03T18:02:20-06:00January 28th, 2020|Categories: Services, Technology|

Podcasts To Help Strengthen Your RIVERS OF INFORMATION®

Podcasts To Help Strengthen Your RIVERS OF INFORMATION® We all have more information at our fingertips, and no more time to consume it. It feels like we are inundated with content: email, blogs, tweets, soundless Facebook videos. It’s like a waterfall pouring over us all. A [...]

2020-01-31T15:13:29-06:00December 20th, 2019|Categories: Technology|

The Holy Grail of Modern Marketing: Using a Customer Data Platform to Enhance the Customer Experience

The Holy Grail of Modern Marketing: Using a Customer Data Platform to Enhance the Customer Experience Wouldn’t it be great if you could … Send a customer, who has not purchased from you in 10 days, and is close to one of your restaurants, a push [...]