FPOV assists in developing future-proof security risk management programs. With security becoming a larger concern due to geopolitical events, recent supply chain attacks, and targeted incidents, these support services can uniquely monitor, test, assess, and support organizations.


Cybersecurity – High Beam Workshop

This workshop provides a glimpse into the future, helping organizations to envision five to ten year elements that will impact results and to prepare for emerging security needs. The process uses FPOV’s Immersyv collaboration tools and involves identifying and analyzing new signals for current macro, risk, organization, and industry trends.

Insurance Consulting

Cybersecurity insurance is becoming more complex, and it may not cover everything you would like. FPOV reviews the insuring agreements and conducts a “stress test” of the aggregate limits and sublimits to determine beforehand whether the policy will cover your costs during an event.

Ethical Hacking Monitoring & Scans

This threat and risk-based assessment detects security gaps in a system using the same methodology as a hacker. The assessment is not a penetration test and differs from a normal automated vulnerability scan. It uses hacking tools to determine the effectiveness of efforts to protect systems from specific threat actors and likely threat vectors.

Hybrid Work – Human Firewall Testing

The increase of hybrid and remote work created new potential risks of social engineering. With employees being a natural weak link in the cybersecurity defenses, the testing process should mitigate risky behavior outside the office that impacts the organization. FPOV delivers this unique testing approach.

Security Vendor Acquisition & Support

Most organizations rely on third parties to deliver their services and security vendors to protect the infrastructure. We have designed an end to end process to help you dramatically lower the risk of an expensive and painful outcome from a technology vendor selection. We walk alongside our clients as they navigate this important process.

Success Stories

Trinity Industries

Incident Response Program

Fractional CISO & CSO

In certain situations it makes sense to outsource important positions to a qualified third party with experience that you cannot find within your organization or quickly hire for. We offer our expertise on a retainer or advisory basis. We can exist on an interim basis or simply be an advisor you keep on retainer for when you need special guidance.

Executive Security Assessments

The security assessments are designed for executives and their families and focus on personal online activity, in addition to the accessibility and sharing of data, in order to determine the potential exposure of private information. This includes the protection of smart devices, mobile devices, email, social media, gaming devices, travel, etc.

Executive Training & Coaching

High level training supports leadership teams by using knowledge, prioritization, and necessary governance processes to effectively manage cyber risk. Coaching for individual growth is also available and delivers a one-on-one development opportunity to produce real business results in a short period of time.

Awareness Training

Training is one of the best ways to improve security compliance and information protection. FPOV will highlight common vulnerabilities, processes to mitigate these vulnerabilities, as well as advice on how to secure your network and stay safe online. These courses are available remotely or in person.

Talent Management

Hiring a cybersecurity executive can be a daunting task, considering the importance of the role and the competitive environment. We help organizations create the right criteria, find the professionals or C-suite executives, and onboard them to rapidly become an organizational asset.

Dark Web Monitoring

We monitor activities on the dark web where attacks on organizations are discussed, where new techniques are shared, and where stolen information is brokered. If your information shows up in the online underworld, you should be made aware as early as possible.

Knowledge Base

IT security policies should be in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information. Depending on an organization’s size, resources, and the degree of threat, FPOV’s library can assist in quickly developing appropriate security policies.

Cybersecurity Coalition

Join our cybersecurity coalition (CYCO). The coalition is filled with leaders, both security-focused and not, who are interested in learning more about cybersecurity and sharing insights about the current state of organizational cybersecurity. CYCO follows Chatham House Rules, allowing individuals to freely share without fear that what they share will leave the meeting. All participants are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before joining. Meetings take place quarterly and are virtual. The meetings offer the latest trends and techniques in cybersecurity as well the opportunity to hear from industry leaders such as cybersecurity legal professionals, incident response / crisis communication experts, insurance insiders, and more.

Incident Response

In support of the strategic operations, FPOV provides assistance during a digital event impacting an organization. In addition, we prepare organizations to respond effectively through training, conducting exercises, creating response plans, establishing communication plans, and forming playbooks for specific types of incidents that can occur now and those that will likely occur in the future.

Digital Event Response Support

Any security incident can have a lasting impact on the entire organization. FPOV provides support during these critical times by responding quickly, acting as an advisor for the organization, coordinating the appropriate resources, mitigating the immediate situation, and preparing for the longer-term management requirements.

IT Extraction Planning

When a team member has the “keys to the kingdom” and they need to be removed from their position or terminated, an organization must work quickly to ensure the network is protected. It is best to plan for these events and ensure a high level of coordination across the security infrastructure to reduce risk and ensure operations are not disrupted.

Tabletop Exercises

The exercises are designed to meet your specific objectives and practice the core crisis or incident response skills and plans. Various exercise types can be developed for plan walkthroughs, discussion-based simulations, tabletops, and functional exercises. Each exercise is tailored to your environment, ensuring there is a value in the experience.

Incident Response Playbooks

The cyber incident response plans are intended to augment existing crisis management programs and provide guidelines on response procedures to minimize risks, costs, and the impact of a potential breach or digital event. The playbooks can assist from the discovery of a suspected incident to the post-incident response for many different types of events.

Security Strategy

Organizations that can rapidly foresee and adapt to changes in the business ecosystem can thrive in any environment. Establishing innovative security strategies on multiple future horizons can be critical to realizing value, establishing growth, and reducing the potential for financial losses, high turnover, and staff morale issues.

Security Strategy Roadmapping

As digital tools continue to grow, the need for a well-developed strategy is increasing. A strategic roadmap for security is a documented set of artifacts that memorializes all the action items needed in order to help an organization align security to its mission in the world. A strategic roadmap details all the steps needed to achieve a specific transition to a future state.

Insider Threat Program

There is a consistent level of threat due to malicious employees with an insider’s ability to knowingly or unknowingly cause organizational harm. Behavioral elements of employee based digital events should be identified as early as possible and managed in a consistent manner. As the creator of HUMALOGY®, FPOV develops programs to meet this need.

Cyber Risk Management

Heightening cyber resilience through a forward-looking approach in identification, compliance, mitigation, detection and response from risks, threats, attacks, and breaches to maximize profitability, minimize technology failures, and reduce customer harm while mitigating reputational damage and financial loss.

Annual Board & Executive Program

The program combines and prioritizes cyber risks on a recurring basis to meet regulatory and fiduciary obligations. The information can be delivered in both statistical and narrative formats to determine changes in risk profile. This includes on demand advisory, monthly reports, alerts, an annual strategy session, materiality assessments, and insurance review.

Integrated Security Program Development

Today, all areas of your security, including physical, electronic, and cyber, must work together to ensure your organization remains safe from threats – both internal and external. Integrated security programs are able to effectively combine the governance of these elements. FPOV assists in developing cohesive, cost effective, and integrated programs.

Executive Cyber Intelligence Program

Cyber intelligence services are offered to executives in manageable 3-5 minute audio updates, delivered daily. It serves as a way for executives to stay up-to-date on legal changes, cyber attacks, and incidents impacting organizations in plain language. The information will provide timely insights that assist in understanding and mitigating risks.

Cyber Risk Assessments

Effectively prioritizing cyber risks is a must. FPOV meets with leaders and others throughout an organization to review the current state of vulnerabilities and cyber practices and its desired future state. The assessments can include data criticality, personnel, regulatory, infrastructure products or services, competitors, and others.

Budgetary & Investment Analysis

The potential costs of cybersecurity investments can be compared and contrasted to the frequency and severity of a cyber event. While most organizations are reliant on aggregated benchmarking, FPOV has developed a unique set of algorithms to model situations, review productivity increases, and show how to reduce financial risks.

Certification, Compliance & Audit

With emerging privacy and governance regulations, FPOV can guide you in navigating new legislation, regulation, and best practices by evaluating your technology, infrastructure, applications, security, and data to develop a clear picture of your technology ecosystem.